I will sing songs on transgender : Devika

I will sing songs on transgender : Devika

Kathmandu (Pahichan) July 15 – Singer Devika Bandana has said that she will soon sing songs that give voices to the issues of sexual and gender minority. “I have a desire of signing separate songs, I had also thought about it and it could sing in the near future,” she said.

She said that she knows many transgender.  “Transgender Bhumika Shrestha is my close friend. I am close to Binita, Awantika, and they love me very much,” she said. Rana has already song more than one thousand songs.

She said there is not a conducive environment for transgender in the society. “It is not easy for transgender in the society. I know the problems faced by this community,” she added. Dozens of her song still remain popular among audience.

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