Same-sex marriage in Nepal !

Same-sex marriage in Nepal !

Kathmandu (Pahichan) July 21 – There has been first same-sex marriage in Dobate rural municipality. Rupak and Anubhav have tied the knot. There are no laws in Nepal that allows same-sex marriage. The constitution, however, has said that no one is discriminated on the basis of gender identity.

Following the same constitutional provisions, such marriage took place in 226 episode of Dobate film.  In the real life, members of sexual and gender minority are yet to get the marriage. In the reel, marriage took place. Rupak is allowed to select girls in the village he likes.

Some girls also follow him. But, Rupak is not attracted to any girls. When Rupak says that he does not have interest in girl, people say he is a gay.  When family members say that there would be forceful marriage, he invites his partner in his home. Anubhav lives in Kathmandu.

Rupak finally informs that he is a gay. His uncle becomes unconscious from the development. Rupak’s identity spreads across the village. People also whisper about expelling him from village. The seniors of village are requested to understand the latest development about it.

They get the information that there should not be forced marriage and identity of this community accepted by Nepal’s constitution. The key message of this film is that we should have a wider mentality on LGBTI issues and there should not be any discrimination.

Click here to view the film.

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