International community stopped assistance to LGBTI when they are in dire need

International community stopped assistance to LGBTI when they are in dire need

Kathmandu (Pahichan) December 4 – Despite legal and constitutional guarantees of rights of sexual and gender minority, society is yet to accept this community. Due to the social stigma and discrimination the living condition of this community is still very miserable.

To bring about a change in such status, there is need of creating awareness among policy makers, politicians and ordinary people about this community. There is a need to inform common people that members of this community are like male and female.

To do so, organizations working in this area need more financial and other assistances. The government has not allocated any budget for this community, except few programs of Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen. The assistance has been stopped when they are in the situation of dire need.

Assistance from international donor agency was the only option but unfortunately assistance from such organizations has been stopped over the couple of years. Several international organizations have stopped providing support to them, while others are decreasing the amount of budget.

Let’s take the example of Nepalgunj. Till few days back, there used to be a lot of activities of this community but now such activities are rare. More than those members of this community used to get employment in some projects. Now, members of his community are gradually living this field.

Parina Chaudhary of Paschin Tara said after UNDP stopped its assistance many organizations are on the verge of closure. “Members of this community are leaving this field after UNDP stopped assistance.”  Members of this community are migrating to other areas seeking job opportunities. Some third genders are working as sex workers and they are on the high risks of HIV infection. Those who had disclosed their identity in the past are again reluctant to disclose their identity.

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