Four sexual and gender minority students pass SEE

Four sexual and gender minority students pass SEE

Kathmandu : Four students from sexual and gender minority (SGM) community have passed this year’s Secondary Education Examination (SEE), qualifying for higher studies. The total 15 students from the community appeared in the test. The pass percentage is over 26 percent.

By province, two students identifying them under “other” category passed the test from Koshi Province, while one SGM student from Bagmati Province. Out of six SGM students who sat for the test from Lumbini Province, one made it.

Two students, who took the exam from Madhes Province, received a non-graded result. One SGM student from Karnali Province got a non-graded result.

According to the results published on June 27 by the National Examinations Board, out of the total 464,785 students, who took the exam, only 47.86 percent passed, and a whopping 52.14 percent (242,313 students) received a non-graded result, requiring them to join the supplementary examination to be held in one month. Notably, 186 students achieved a highest 4.0 GPA.

This year a new grading system has been introduced with separate theoretical and practical exams.

Each SEE student must score at least 35 percent mark in the theoretical exams to qualify for higher studies. Students, who fail theoretical exams, receive a non-graded result, failing to qualify to enroll in grade 11.

Each subject will have a 25-mark practical exam conducted by the schools themselves, and a 75-mark theoretical test. The board said that the exam of 221 people was cancelled.

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