Nepal recognises another same-sex marriage

Nepal recognises another same-sex marriage

Palpa : Nepal has made history again by legally registering another same-sex marriage. Jyoti Sarki of Baudikali Rural Municipality-1 of East Nawalparasi and China Kumari Nepali of Rampur-9 registered their marriage at Rampur Municipality-9 in Palpa district on August 18.

The marriage registration certificate lists China as the bridegroom and Jyoti as the bride. The couple first met 11 years ago when China visited his sister’s house. “When he (China) came to his sister’s house, we got to know each other,” said Jyoti to Pahichan.

Both of them later went to Qatar to pursue job opportunities. Upon return home on a holiday visit, they got married on 15 October, 2021. “We got married and received blessings at Siddha Baba’s temple.”

This follows the landmark same-sex marriage registration of Maya Gurung and Surendra Pandey on 29 November, 2023, making Nepal the first country to legally recognise same-sex marriage in South Asia, and second in Asia behind Taiwan.

On 12 February, 2024, Anju Devi Shrestha (Dipti) and Suprita Gurung became the first lesbian couple in South Asia to register their marriage.

After coming to know about the registration of same-sex marriage of Dipti and Suprita, China and Jyoti returned home for marriage registration. “Our marriage was registered easily,” said Jyoti.

For the marriage registration, they initially contacted Surendra, also secretary of Mayako Pahichan Nepal (MKPN), an organisation advocating for the rights of sexual and gender minorities. Surendra advised them to obtain recommendations from the respective ward office along with the circular of the Department of National ID and Civil Registration and the Supreme Court’s order.

Jyoti said that she was sure about registering their marriage because their families accepted them. “The families accepted our marriage, and the society also understood,” said China, “We are happily married.”

Secretary of Rampur Municipality-9 Muhammad Yunus Khan said China and Jyoti received their marriage registration certificate based on the circular of the Department of National ID and Civil Registration.

The couple has already flown to Qatar after completing the registration process.

On June 27, 2023, the Supreme Court gave an interim order directing the Government of Nepal to make a law to register same-sex marriage, and register same-sex marriage in a temporary record until the law is made. Maya and Surendra were the first same-sex couple to register their marriage. Meanwhile, neighboring countries China and India have yet to legalise same-sex marriage.

Although Nepal has yet to make a formal law to legalise same-sex marriage, same-sex marriage has been registered in a temporary record as per the order of the Supreme Court, said Sunil Babu Pant, Asia’s first openly gay former parliamentarian of Nepal, and MKPN’s executive director.

Nepal’s President Paudel acknowledges same-sex marriage breakthrough


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