Same-sex marriage not understood by Nepal’s PM Oli

Same-sex marriage not understood by Nepal’s PM Oli

Kathmandu : Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has been again dragged into controversy due to his statements regarding sexual and gender minorities. His recent remarks, which went viral on social media, has sparked widespread criticism.

Commenting on his statements, Subhash Paudel wrote on social media, “If a person who holds the responsibility of running a country says that he does not understand the simple definition of LGBTQIA+, then there is no hope that such person can take initiatives for the rights of the community. You are too old to work, KP Ba. We need the leadership of educated youth. The country cannot be run with old school of thought.”

Before delving into the subject, Prime Minister Oli however excused himself by stating that that he did not much information or understanding about the SGM community. Although he stressed that all LGBTQIA+ should get their rights, he admitted that he did not understand same-sex marriage.

PM Oli was responding to queries raised at the Kathmandu Youth Conclave 2024 by event moderator Parakram Rana.

Reacting to this, Mikhang Magar wrote on Facebook, “Why did the host have to ask in English when he knows that the leaders of our country are uneducated?”

PM Oli mentioned that his knowledge of the SGM community was only limited to what is stipulated in the Constitution of Nepal. He however said he would try to understand the LGBTQIA+ terminology, which he believes is imported from foreign countries.

Even though Prime Minister Oli admitted that he lacked knowledge about same-sex marriage, Nepal has become the first country in South Asia and the second in Asia, behind Taiwan, to recognise same-sex (rainbow) marriage. The couple of Maya Gurung and Surendra Pandey registered the first same-sex marriage on 29 November, 2023 at the Dordi Rural Municipality in Lamjung district.

Maya and Surendra makes history by registering same-sex marriage

Acting on an interim order by the Supreme Court on 27 June, 2023, three couples, including Maya and Surendra, have registered their same-sex marriages. But rights activists wonder how can Prime Minister Oli, who is expected to be informed about significant national matters, be unaware of these developments?

Responding to a written request of Mayako Pahichan Nepal (MKPN), a non-governmental organisation advocating for the SGM rights, the Department of National ID and Civil Registration, acting on a decision by Home Minister, issued a circular to all 753 local levels to register same-sex marriage, paving the way for heir recognition.

PM’s lack of understanding about same-sex marriage

PM Oli’s lack of understanding about same-sex marriage has indicated that people of this community have a long way to go for securing their rights, argued rights activists. In such situation, the community members are forced to personally approach prime ministers or ministers to advocate for their rights.

For their rights, MKPN has filed a petition in the Supreme Court demanding reservation in electoral system and the civil service for community members. A full hearing on the priority writ petition is yet to take place.

Khatri honoured

At the same event, Sushant Khatri has been honoured with the ‘Youth Icon Nepal’ award for making Nepal known to the world through dance. PM Oli presented the award at the Conclave organised by Phoenix College of Management. The award carries a cash prize of Rs 100,000.

On the occasion, the PM said the country’s progress depends on the upliftment, development, and empowerment of its youth.

“My focus is on youth upliftment, development, empowerment. Only through that, the country can move forward. All the current efforts of the government are directed towards that end.”

The ‘Kathmandu Youth Conclave 2024’, aimed at supporting youth entrepreneurship, leadership, management and industrial skill development, said event coordinator Raju Tandon.


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