Zulekha Khan/pahichan – In altering the info-sphere so profoundly, trainee is destined to transform her minds as well, the way the trainee think about HIV-AIDS problem, the way she synthesize, call information, the way she anticipate the consequences of negligence towards this HIV/AIDS epidemic disease .
On 21th Oct 2014, Blue Diamond Society organized a meeting related to 7 City Level Mapping Program. The program was basically focused on increasing leadership commitment to the scaling up of MSM and transgender HIV since they are highly prevalent towards the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The ultimate aim includes the making of services more accessible, creating initial momentum, making hospitals user-friendly by proper visioning. Discussions were based on building a path towards ending the AIDS epidemic; lessen the impact of HIV transmission in society and further expand the awareness related to it.
According to Mr. Mahesh Sharma, Nepal Consultant talked about the positive visioning from appreciative way of analysis and reacting to this issue critically rather than bluntly. “Equality doesn’t mean justice.” Through this quotation, he further explained about focusing the gaps and acknowledging oneself about the differentiation between equality and equity. BDS has been working on the issue of Third Gender.
BDS and its members contribute to the service for those uncared and minor group from the society in Nepal by mobilizing a network of socially committed and financially transparent civil society. So, the overall time period, the trainee spent in the agency was a good learning experience. Moreover, the trainee is focusing research on related issues, so there is a lot of a thing that the trainee needs to address with her further initiation.
Globally, HIV infected people reside in cities who are most vulnerable and one of the key affected population includes MSW, MSM and TG. Only through sustained government support, combined with the strength of HIV infected MSM, TG and the unrelenting advocacy of organizations on their behalf, will the world win the battle to de-stigmatize the existence of Third Gender and their health issues.
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