International Day observed

International Day observed

Gauri Nepali/Kathmandu(Pahichan) May 23 – Sexual and gender minority Federation have launched a clean campaign and candlelight program on the occasion of International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia.

In the past, Federation used to organize various message-oriented and cultural programs while celebrating this day. Due to the April 25 powerful earthquake and other powerful aftershocks, Federation this year did not organize such programs.  Program coordinator of Federation Simran Sherchan said that clean campaign was organized with a purpose of ending hate against gender and sexual minorities. 20150521_153758[1]

The clean campaign was organized in front of the old office of Care and Support of Blue Diamond Society located in Lazimpat. After the earthquake, many people along with sexual and gender minorities are living under the tent.

As it is not comfortable to this community to live in other places, members of this community from inside and outside the Kathmandu valley are living here. As the stay is prolonging, there was pollution due to the garbage.

 The clean campaign was organized with a view that it could contribute for the possible outbreak of epidemic. After completing the program, one-minute silence was observed in the remembrance of the homosexuals and transgender who lost life in April 25 earthquake.

Other organizations also celebrated

In the past only Federation used to celebrate the international day, this year other organizations also celebrated the Day. This year Step Nepal, Sax, Nari Chetana Samaj, CFS- Bhaktapur also came to the forefront and celebrated the day. These organizations who do not work in the field of LGBTI community also celebrated the day after they received funds from SathSath project.

Organizations working in the field of sexual and gender minorities have already celebrated Day in the Sunsari, Kaski, and Kailali on May 17. But it was not possible in Kathmandu due to earthquake.  The programs were attended by Parichaya Samaj, Crusaid, Ping Trangle, Student forum of sexual and gender minorities and Care and Support. The day is celebrated for seven days organizing various programs.

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