The first flim on LGBTI highlights the plights of this community  

The first flim on LGBTI highlights the plights of this community  

Ambika Dahal/Kathmandu (Pahichan) March 19 – Ma Hoain Ma, the first flim in Nepal that highlights the plights of gender and sexual minority, has beenscreened in the International Human Rights Film Festival.

The film illustrated on how a homosexual male was forced to marry with heterosexual women. The homosexual man feels cheating when all arrangements were made to marry with the girl of oppostive sex. There are mainly three characters in the film—Abhishek, Raj and Sirjana—to show the problems faced by homosexual people. Abhishek and Raj are the best friends since their school days. They love to each other, and family member Abhisehk were aware about it.

But, family member misunderstood their relation saying that it is like a disease and it will be cured afther marriage. Therefore, family members forced him to marry with a girl name Sirajana. Abhishek refused to share the bed with Sirajana on the first day of marriage which was against the social belief.

He slept separately. Due to the lack of knowledge about the homosexual people in Nepal, Sirjana was innocent. She does not know why Abhieshk is not ready to share bed wih her.

That is why, Siraja tried to find the reasons behind it. She later know that he is homosexual but she continued to find the truth.  She was not aware about homosexuality. She left her home saying that her husband is Chhaka, a deregotary word to discribe gender and sexual minority. Guardians of  Sirjana asked why she left the home withoout informing. Her mother tried to counsel Sirjana but she is not convinced.

She told her parents  only money and properties can not make her happy.  Raj has also married but he used to spend his time outside the house. The story of film goes on highlighting the problems of homosexual and transgender. The film also clearly shows the existing social attitue towards gender and sexual minority. The film has been directed by Ilam Dixit. The film clealry shows that same-sex marriage should be legalized to address  to address the issues of this community.

It also gives the message that if there is forced marriage without consent, it would ruin the life. Homosexual male Peter Tamang associated with Blue Diamond Society said other people in the society should not face the problem that character of film facing. “I am a homosexual people and I have made my indeity publlic. We are struggling,” said Tamang.  Please love the people like us in the society.  People have suggested to screen the film across the country.

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