Alisha’s uphill struggle  

Alisha’s uphill struggle  

Balram chaudhari/Pahichan – Alisha Chaudhary is working at Human Welfare Society since seven years at Ithari. She belongs to tharu community. According to her, in the initial days it was very difficult to work with this community although she was community member.

In Tharu caste, there is not so discriminationthan to other castes  because in Tharu religions this kind of people are called Natua (dancer).Therefore, there is less discrimination in comparision to other castes.

People called hizeda, Chhaka ,many other name to this community people. She said it was very difficult to work in the field in the initial days.

At that time people, didn’t understand about this community. But these days, it is not so difficult to work with this community.  According to her, people used to take in a negative way when they went to work.

“The BDS totally changed the mindset of members of this community,” she said. She gave credit to BDS for the change of attitude to the members of this community.

The old perception of labelling the members of this community as unnatural, artificial has been totally changed. Now, people say like female and male, members of this community are equal.

Even the family members were not supportive to Aleisha at the initial days, now they encourage her and provide all kinds of support.  “The government has started providing us identity. So that we should not hide our idenitty. We have to fight to secure our rights,” she said.

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