Film industry is becoming positive on LGBTI issues

Film industry is becoming positive on LGBTI issues

Kathmandu (Pahichan) July 7 – Members of gender and sexual minority always complain that they have always been depicted as mock characters in the films. They want to end such practices.

It is natural to expect that film sector should provide the issues of this community in a positive way so that it helps to bring a positive change in the society about this community. Some expressed the commitment that they would take the suggestions, while others said like LGBTI, male and female has also been projected as mock character and it should be taken in a positive way.

Some people said that censor board should not allow to screen those films which have projected this community in a negative way. However, there would be objection if member is this community are presented as mock character with wrong intention. However, it is true that members of this community are projected in a positive way and main characters are from this community.

Sakuntala provided a lead role to homosexual and  transgender with dress of this community. Rajesh Hamal plays the role of transgender from the beginning to end. However, members of this community are confused as there are not clarity about the concept of transgender. Dinesh Shrestha has directed the film.

You can see the film in this link.

Similalry Adha love(Half love) has presented this community in a positive light and it has been directed by Apran Thapa, the main theme is same-sex relation. The film shows the problems faced by this same-sex couple due to the negative attitude of family members. Reman Das Shrestha and Bipin Mikki have played in this film which tries to establish same-sex relation.

See the tailer of this film.

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