The glaring example of  impact of Pahichan Radio program

The glaring example of  impact of Pahichan Radio program

Rubi Lama/Pahichan – All things would be entirely different from what we think and feel. However, we cannot reject the reality. There could be differences on level of progress. Gadi Village Development of Makawanpur of Nepal has created a history. I was born in the Dadagau of the same village development committee. Now, I have not accommodated within the Pahichan of Pahichan. My name is Rubi Lama.

Since the childhood, I wanted to live with girls and I used to feel as girl. As I used to help my mother in the household activities, all people used to call me saying Kanchi. As time passed, we used to share bench with girls and some used to tease me. When I reached grade one, one teacher me scolded me for sharing bench with girl students. The word used by the teacher is still hurting.  It not only affected by study, it also became a subject of laughing among my friends.

She was reluctant to go to school. Teachers counseled me and made an atmosphere of attending school. I continued my study and now I have completed +2. I was always curious on why I am different from other boys. Though I have feelings of girl, I lived as boy. Though I was girl, society fixed my identity as boy and it was compelled to accept that.

It was six month ago when I was listening radio, I heard about Pahichan radio program. The program was giving information about the gender and sexual minority but on the first day, there was not any impact to me because I could not understand properly. I continued to listen the program. I also shared the program with my friend but he did not take any interest on it.

I came to know about my actual meeting but I could not share with my friends and relatives. After listening the program, my came to know about my sexuality and I did not have sufficient self-confidence.

This is due to the Pahichan Radio program, I am now associated with Blue Diamond Society and I am working to highlight the issues of gender and sexual minority. It is my great achievement in my life. I want to thank Pachichan Radio program. The program means a lot to gender and sexual minority because it has provided inspiration to gender and sexual minority. If there was not Pahichan program, many people would to love without disclosing their identity.

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