Sixteen male gay receiving training

Sixteen male gay receiving training

Kathmandu (Pahichan) December 19 – 16 male gay from various parts of the country are busy in training. They are busy in training for Mr Gay Handsome which is taking place on December 26. The contest will take place in Rastriya Nachghar Kathmandu and Choreographer Rajesh Lama is providing training.  

In 2013, the title of Gay Handsome was received by Bisoraj Adhikari. With a purpose of ending the illusions in society about this community, Blue Diamond Society is organizing Miss Pink peasant. In 2013, Aayani Lama achieved the title of Miss Pink. This is the second time; Mr. Gay Handsome is taking place.

On the occasion of Gay Handsome, BDS has requested government to form jebra cross using the Indreni color. Executive Director of BDS Manish Dhakal and Program Coordinator of Day Project Sanjaya Sharma met traffic police chief Sarbendra Khanal adnd requested to do it. They argued that as the rights of this community is mentioned in the constitution, it is better to make jebra cross using Indreni coloar.

Khanal requested to coordinate with Department of roads on the issue stating that he is positive about it. Before Gay Handsome, BDS is organizing LBT conference in Kathmandu. The conference is taking place on December 19 and 20 in Kathmandu.  All LBT from across the country will participate.

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