तेश्रोलिङ्गी अञ्जली थापा माथि आक्रमण

तेश्रोलिङ्गी अञ्जली थापा माथि आक्रमण


पहिचान/चितवन, मंसिर २१  मानव सचेत समाज चितवनकी अध्यक्ष अञ्जली थापा माथि आक्रमण भएको भन्दै नील हिरा समाजले आक्रमणमा संलग्नलाई कारवाही गर्न प्रहरी महानिरीक्षकलाई पत्र लेखेको छ । तेश्रोलिङ्गी अञ्जली थापा माथि आक्रमण भएको भन्दै नील हिरा समाजका कार्यकारी निर्देशक सुनिल वावुपन्तले प्रहरी महानिरीक्षकलाई पत्र लेख्नु भएको हो ।

तेस्रो लि·ीहरुको हक हितका लागि काम गर्दै आएको मानव सचेत समाज चितवनकी अध्यक्ष अञ्जली थापा माथी गएराति चितवनमा आक्रमण भएको हो । परिचय नखुलेका युवाहरुको समुहले थापालाई कुटपिट गरि घाइते बनाएका हुन् । भरतपुर २ क्षेत्रपुरमा रहेको आफ्नो कोठा नजिकैबाट दुइ जना युवाले आफुलाई जवरजस्ती गाडीमा राखेर भोजाड पर्याएर कुटपिट गरेको थापाले बताउनु भयो । अञ्जलीको आ“खामा चोट लागेको छ । गाडी नम्बर हर्ेन खोज्दा आफ्नो आंखामा उनिहरुले प्रहार गरेको थापाले जानकारी दिनु भयो । आफुलाई कुटपिट गर्ने ब्यक्तिलाई देखेमा चिन्ने उहाले बताउनु भयो । नील हिरा समाजका अध्यक्ष सुनिलबाबु पन्तले घट्नाको छानबिन गरि दोषिमाथी कारवाही गर्न प्रहरी महानिरिक्षक कुबेर रानालाई पत्र लेखि ध्यानाकर्षा गराउनु भएको हो । उहाँले निरन्तर रुपमा आफूलाई र समाजकी अध्यक्ष पिङकी गुरुङलाई विभिन्न धम्की आइरहेकाले सुरक्षा दिन प्रहरी महानिरीक्षकलाई आग्रह गर्नु भएको छ । कार्यकारी निर्देशक पन्तले केही संचारमाध्यमले भ्रामक समाचार प्रसारण र प्रकाशित गरेर आफूहरुलाई हैरानी दिइरहेको जानकारी प्रेस काउन्सिल र नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघमा समेत जानकारी गराएको उल्लेख गर्नु भएको छ । समाजभित्र अनियमितता भएको भनेर प्रशासनले छानविन गरेर प्रारम्भिक प्रतिवेदन तयार गरेपनि प्रमूख जिल्ला अधिकारीले ढिलाई गर्नु भएको समेत पन्तले प्रहरी महानिरीक्षकलाई लेखेको पत्रमा उल्लेख छ । पन्तले प्रहरी महानिरीक्षकलाई लेखेको पत्र यस्तो छ ः

 To IGP Kuber Singh Rana,
Nepal Police
Kathmandu, Nepal

Dear Rana Ji,

I am writing this email, quite disturbed, with grave concern and calling your urgent attention and action.

As you are aware, myself and BDS(Blue Diamond Society) have been continuously attacked for last 5 months by a TV channel called Sagarmatha TV and two tabloid media called “Sourya Dainik and Naya patrika”. Some of our x-staff have been going to these media and giving false information and making baseless accusations, including corruption and cheating tax etc.
Many members of LGBTI community have also been followed by same journalists and forced to speak against BDS and me, these journalists were even offered money to do so to LGBTI members.
Now, according to our Chitwan based organization Human Conscious Society, Anjan, a TG from Chitwan District and she is the president of this local LGBTI organization there and partner of BDS, was interviewed by a Chitwan Based TV channel last Tuesday. During the interview the program presenter asked anjali about the allegation made by Sagarmatha TV and Sourya Dainik against me and BDS. Anjali defended BDS and me and told that Sagarmatha TV and Sourya Dainik published news that have no base or truth.
Yesterday, Wednesday late evening, three unidentified men came to her house about 8pm, already dark, asked her to come out with them to talk. They then asked her come inside the taxi saying they would like to find a comfortable place to talk and suggested to go to a restaurant. But they took her in a jungle 5 km outside the city, bit her up badly saying “why you were defending sunil pant and BDS, how dare you criticized Sagarmatha TV and Sourya Dainik”. Anjali tried to note the vehicle number, one man covered the number place and another two men bashed her on her eyes. They ran away leaving Anjali alone in the jungle to suffer. Anjali has brusies on her body and her eye is badly damaged, she has taken to hospital this morning. We are still waiting the medical update.

One unidentified men, in his green jacket, spent long time outside BDS on the same day in Kathmandu.  As soon as I got into my car to go to a meeting, as he was carefully observing every one in and out from BDS office, he started following me. Its a small road so I had to drive in very slow speed, he was looking at me, my car door lock, my vehicle number. He followed for a 5 minutes until get into bigger road.
BDS’s president Pinky and myself also have received some threatening messages in the past few months.
I have been regularly updating the developments to press council and federation of Nepalese journalists as well.
One of our x-staff also filed case against me few months ago accusing me of financial corruption etc. Chief District Office has been investigating the case for last three months, we heard the report is ready but Chief District officer has not signed the report.
With this lingering (report) from CDO and no other Human Rights organizations and Media saying anything,  our x-staff, the bad journalists and criminal elements are ever encouraged….

Blue Diamond Society strongly condemn this attack against Anjali, who is very dedicated members of BDS and condemn all other baseless media against LGBTI community in Nepal by few media.

We call Nepal police to investigate the attack against Anjali immediately without any delay and prejudices and bring the culprits before justice and demand medical treatment and compensation to Anjali.
We call Nepal press council and federation of Nepalese journalists to take action and help Nepali press free from association to criminal elements.
We call Nepal government to investigate this case, provide security to LGBTI community in Nepal and end these kinds of crime against LGBTI and baseless attack and harassment from few media.
We also like NHRC to take immediate action on this serious matter.
We also acknowledge the support we have received by other many good media for so long.
We equally appreciate the change of Police attitude towards LGBTI community for last few years for good.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation, support and security.

Best Regards,

Sunil Pabu Pant
Blue Diamond Society

समाचार शेयर गर्नुहोस्

"पहिचानमा प्रकाशित सामाग्रीबारे प्रतिक्रिया, सल्लाह, सुझाव र कुनै सामाग्री भए [email protected] मा पठाउनु होला।"

प्रतिक्रिया दिनुहोस्
ताजा अपडेट
थप समाचार

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