Sexual and gender minority in cleanup campaign

Sexual and gender minority in cleanup campaign

Kathmandu (Pahichan) June 6 – Metropolitan Police Range Durbar Marg has started the clean-up campaign incorporating sexual and gender minority. The campaign was initiated on the auspicious occasion of World Envrionment Day and many members of this community took part in this campaign.

The campaign led by official Dhan Bahadur Malla started from Dubarbar and ended at Jamal Jyatha. Malla said such campaign will be continued on every Saturday. The program was supported by Blue Diamond Society, Community Service Center Nil Saraswati, Jyatha Youth Society, Siddhartha Bank and Hotel Annapurna.

Chairman of BDS Pinky Gurung said it is very important to participate in clean-up campaign. “This campaign will help to change the negative mindset towards this community. We will participate every week,” said Gurung.

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