LBT community facing double discrimination

LBT community facing double discrimination

Kathmandu (Pahichan) July 25 – The LBT community which falls under the broader sexual and gender minority has facing double discrimination. Lesbian, bisexual women and Transgender (LBT) male fall under this category.

Speaking at an interaction program organized by Norwegian Embassy, members of this community said first they face discrimination being daughter, and second they face discrimination due to their separate identity.

They complained of facing more than 10 problems if they disclose their identity. So, they choose not to disclose their identity to lessen the problems.

Raj Hussain, who left the job of Nepal Police and now operating Tom Boy Hair Saloon said, people do not ask the reason that forces them to conceal their identity.

Hussain said members of this community are deprived from employment opportunities. He was of the view that though, media houses are writing about this community, they are not liberal to provide job to this community.

Transgender Journalist Bhakti Shah who is member of Federation of Nepali Journalist Lalitpur Chapter said there is no guarantee of representation of this community in FNJ, an umbrella organization of working journalist. Shah said though there were initial discussions in FNJ statute to mention this community; it was removed when statute was finalized.

Rights activist Durga Thapa said members of this community are facing legal, political, social and related problems. Thapa is of the view that due to the negative mindset of society, members of this community are facing discrimination. “First we are facing discrimination being a daughter. Second we are deprived from property and right to adopt the children. There is a social mindset that marriage means between a male and female which needs to be changed,” she said.

LBT community demanded marriage right. They also demanded to ease the process of citizenship and passport as per their gender identity. Legal Office of BDS, Sujan Pant informed that participants that if rights mentioned in the constitution is not implemented, writ could be filed in Supreme Court.

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