We are not consulted in law-making process : stakeholders

We are not consulted in law-making process : stakeholders

Bhawana Humagain/Kathmandu (Pahichan) August 13 – Government has expedited the process of preparing draft of laws required for the implementation of constitution.

Government has already registered some bills in the Parliament, in line with the constitution implementation.

At the same time, there are complaints from stakeholders that government has not consulted while preparing the drafts of bills which are directly related to them.

However, government is working to formulate laws stating that consultations will take place if government feels it necessary.

Speaking at a conference on Nepal’s constitution, stakeholders said that government has not ensured the participation in the law making process.

They are of the view that there must be participation of sexual and gender minority, persons with disabilities, Dalits, senior citizens among others.  Justice Sapana Pradhan supported the demands of this community.

Pradhan said implementation could be challenging if all are put in the same basket while seeking the solution of any problems.

“The word inclusion has not been defined. Inclusion is the heart of constitution and it is also a foundation of inclusive democracy,” Pradhan said. Executive Director of Blue Diamond Society Manisha Dhakal said she is happy to be born as transgender in Nepal. Dhakal said after South Africa and Equador, Nepal is third country in the world to mention the rights of this community in the constitution.

However, sexual and gender minority has not been accommodated within the marginalized community. She said the citizenship bill tabled in Parliament is incomplete.

The process of issuing citizenship mentioning gender category began in 2013. She said only providing the citizenship and passport is not sufficient and there is a need of providing rights to this community.

Dhakal drew the attention of organizers saying that issues raised in the seminar should not confine only in the report.

Birendra Raj Pokhrel said that the article 31 has the provision relating to the education of persons with disabilities but there is not definition of symbolic language.

He said persons with disabilities are facing the sexual violence. Senior citizen Gauri Shankar Lal Das said rights must be provided to senior citizens. Advocate Dr. Yam Bahadur Kisan said people are still facing discrimination on the basis of caste.

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