Umisha nominated for National Box Office Music Video Awards

Umisha nominated for National Box Office Music Video Awards

Kathmandu (Pahichan) September 9 – Transgender Make-up artist Umisha Pandey has been nominated for National Box Office Music Video Awards.

Among the 10 songs, Pandey’s song has been selected. Voting has begun to select best one.

Umisha has requested asked her family including all the friends, brothers and sisters to vote for her, saying she was on the Better Make-up Arts. By visiting in the Mobile Messages box, then written English B (space) 76d (small d) and send to 34343.

Similarly for vote of the second songs videos make up,  by visiting in mobile message box, then written English capital B (space) 76e (small e) and send to 34343. Voting is open till September 23. Umisha is sad for selecting in the nomination.

This time the Nepali song was included and two songs of the best 10 songs were successful in makeup of the video, Umisha thanked the National Box Office Music Video Award team.

Coordinator of the Music Video Award Program Ram Bahadur Subedi said selection was very objective and there was not any discrimination.

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