CEDAW takes up inter-sex persons issues

CEDAW takes up inter-sex persons issues

Kathmandu (Pahichan) November 14 – The review meeting of CEDAW held in Geneva has taken some important steps in securing the rights of inter-sex persons.

The resolution passed by CEDAW review meeting says, “Discrimination against intersex persons, namely abuse, reported infanticide, forced marriage and conduct of medically unnecessary procedures on Nepali intersex infants and children, on the territory of the State party or abroad, before they reach an age when they are able to provide their free, prior and informed consent.”

The meeting further stated that under reporting of harmful practices and insufficient short- and long-term support for victims. “Adopt legislative provisions that explicitly prohibit the performance of unnecessary surgical or other medical procedures on intersex children before they reach the legal age of consent, and train medical and psychological professionals on the rights of intersex persons,” the meeting further added.

It also said urged to ensure that victims of harmful practices can file complaints without fear of retribution or stigma and has access to effective remedies and victim support, such as legal, social, medical and psychological assistance and shelters.

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