Labor push for LGBTI student protection

Labor push for LGBTI student protection

Kathmandu (Pahichan) November 27 – Labor is pushing the Morrison Government to remove exemptions that allow religious schools to discriminate against LGBTI students.

Shadow Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, plans to introduce a Private Members Bill to amend the legislation, and has called on the government to support the changes.

“The government promised to resolve this issue before the end of the year, but they’ve not achieved that,” Mr Dreyfus said.

Mark Dreyfus wearing a suit and tie© Provided by AAP“In the week before the Wentworth by-election, the prime minister promised to remove exemptions. He has failed to achieve that goal.

“The public expects this. Australians want these exemptions removed, and as soon as possible.”

Mr Dreyfus said schools overwhelmingly don’t use the exemption, but don’t want them.

“Once again Scott Morrison has said one thing, but done another. He has failed to follow through on his commitment to protecting children against discrimination.”

Source : .msn

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