Bibek selected as emerging leader

Bibek selected as emerging leader

Kathmandu (Pahichan) January 30 – Kathmandu based leadership academy and American university San Diego,Kroc School& Kroc Institute for peace and justice(IPJ) jointly organized program national youth leadership educational program(Nepali emerging leaders program2019).

Very active and enthusiastic LGBTI youth activist Bibek magar selected as one of the emerging leader Nepal. He is selected from province 1 morang.

He is member of Blue diamond society, engaging various youth based organization and also he is initiator of “initiative gay youth”about emerging Nepali leadership program.

This is began from last year and this is second leadership program of Nepali emerging leadership 2019 where is 42 youth are selected from diverse background and each 3 /3 male and women are selected from 7 province.

This is 1 year long program where we can learn leadership skill and engagement in our community, local government bodies. Beautiful thing is we 42 youth are came from difference background: Nature, profession, geographically wise.

So this is also one of the main learning and sharing knowledge from each other and way of working to-gather. Emerging Nepali leadership first activities program recently started in province 7. which was successfully conduct in Nepalgunj.

For me part of emerging Nepal leaders and standing with 41 youth in diver background it’s already overwhelm and feel great pleasure. And, especially when you come from different background sexual orientations and gender expression. Where you try to break all the taboo which our patriarchy society boxes on masculinity.

It’s always hard for Us. I expected this one year I will learn lot of thing.which is make me more strong and capable.And my main agenda Still people haven’t aware about. what is meaning of LGBTIQ and think where is interselectionality of LGBTI? So if we talk about local government bodies and leaders still they don’t know about it.What is LGBTIQ meaning and what are our low and policy gave right for main agenda,which is awareness LGBTIQ meaning and right to government Representative  local bodies.

Many LGBTI community face problems in local level.Nepal government already made low and policy on LGBTIQ rights but unfortunately still my local level CDO,VDC Representative does not know about it and by their monopoly and unaware attitude facing problems in LGBTIQ community.

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