Ministry launches awareness and empowerment program

Ministry launches awareness and empowerment program

Kathmandu (Pahichan) March 24 – With a purpose of clearing misconception regarding sexual and gender minority, government has launched awareness and empowerment program.

In the current fiscal year, government has allocated 3 lakh, according to Bharat Sharma, Under Secretary at Ministry of women, Children and Senior citizen. The program has already been organized in Kathmandu and Nawalparsi and ministry is doing homework to select another places.

“The purpose of program is that members of this community should unveil their identity and they must be united. The program aims to empower this community,” Sharma said. In the previous year, Ministry had launched vocational training program and 20 people received the training of driving.

Sharma said they failed to continue vocational training program due to the lack of sufficient budget. Sharma said people who are in policy-making level should be informed about the  issues of this community.

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