FNJ to include sexual minorities in its planning projects

FNJ to include sexual minorities in its planning projects

Pahichan, (Kathmandu), November 5 –Federation of Nepali Journalist (FNJ) has decided to make participation of journalists from the sexual and gender minorities‘ communities in its upcoming planning projects.

FNJ’s central committee meeting recently held at Ghale Gaun of Lamjung district has made the decision to pay attention for the participation of third-gender journalists in the projects related to professionalism and skill and leadership development of the journalists.

A 10-point Ghale Gaun Declaration issued by the FNJ following the meeting has stated to make proper representation of various minorities communities including women, indigenous people, Dalits, Madhesi, backward society, third-gender and differently-abled people in such planning.

The meeting has also urged the government to implement the recommendation of the task force to make the Media Directory 2070 and media houses gender-friendly.

The FNJ has already begun to issue membership for transgender journalist by specifying their gender identity as ‘others’. Bishnu Adhikari, an online journalist, has got the membership of FNJ central committee while Bhakti shah has received the membership of Nepal Press Union of Lalitpur Chapter by specifying their gender identity as ‘others’.

The sexual and gender minorities have welcomed the new move of FNJ saying that it has paved the way for third-gender people to get the membership of FNJ and participate in the different planning projects to be conducted by it.

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