Leaders pledge to include LGBTI’s sentiment in new constitution

Leaders pledge to include LGBTI’s sentiment in new constitution

Kathmandu (Pahichan) December 12 – Leaders of various political parties have pledged that new constitution will bear no such provisions that hurt the sentiments of any community in the country.

They have urged all not to harbor doubt about whether the rights of minority communities will be ensured in the new statutes. There should be equal opportunities and equal legal treatment for all people, leaders from Nepali Congress, CPN-UML, UCPN Maoist and Madheshi Janaadhikar Forum said speaking at the National Assembly of Human Rights organised here on the occasion of of 66th International Human Rights Day themed ‘Human Rights 365’.

NC General Secretary Krishna Prasad Sitaula, CPN-UML senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal, UCPN-Maoist leader Narayan Kaji Shrestha and MJF chairman Upendra Yadav voiced the new constitution will fully guarantee the protection of human rights for all.

The Blue Diamond Society, an organisation lobbying for the rights of sexual minorities in Nepal, had also set up a stall at the premises of Academy Hall, the venue of the national assembly. Various publicity materials, documentary about LGBTI people among other awareness raising materials were distributed from the stall.

Personnel from Nepal police, reprasentatives of various human rights organisations and journalists among others visited the stall. The visitors had shown their interest about the third gender people and asked various questions about them, according to BDS.

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