Same-sex marriage will be legalized

Same-sex marriage will be legalized

Kaski (Pahichan) September 7 – Advocate Sujan Panta has assured the members of gender and sexual minority that within a couple of years, state will be obliged to legalize the same-se marriage. According to Panta, there would not be any differences on male-female marriage and marriage among homosexual and transgender.

Panta said as report is positive one government will implement it. Panta said there will not be any negative effects in the society if same-sex marriage is legalized.

He was of the view that LGBTI could knock the door of Supreme Court if government does not take prompt measure to implement it.

He also recalled a conversation saying that Executive Director of BDS Manisha Dhakal requested him to read the report on same-sex marriage. Panta said he again read the report in detail and came to conclusion that same-sex marriage will be legalized and there will not be any social problems.

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