LGBTI members have equal rights like us : Nisha

LGBTI members have equal rights like us : Nisha

Nisha Bhattarai/Pahichan – The term LGBTI was very new for me and also I did not have any concept about the LGBTI people. Though I heard some rumors about transgender gender people, I was totally unknown about their appearances and the types of people between them. I had only seen them in Television but really did not know about them and unknown about their story. Finding Blue Diamond Society for academic internship really helped me a lot to learn and know about LGBTI people.

After going to Blue Diamond Society and after knowing about the organization I came to know a lot about the Trans people and LGBTI people which is a great achievement for me. I even learned that the Blue Diamond society is not only helping the LGBTI people but also helping those people who are affected by the deadly disease HIV/AIDS. I really feel very glad to be the part of this organization as it taught me how to give the orientation to the other people in my surrounding and even feel proud on myself to be the part of this organization as an intern.

I have learned many things as an intern by going in Blue Diamond Society. Before going to Blue Diamond Society, I had big confusion in my mind about LGBTI but after going in BDS as an intern all that confusion were clear and I know a lot about LGBTI and about BDS. I also learned that all the people are equal. I also learned how to face the mass and be confident to talk in the mass. I also learned more about the organization, history, background and achievement. I even learned that being LGBTI is not a psychological problem but it is the sexuality of the person.

Onwards I guess am able to make people understand who are LGBTI people and how should we treat them. Their appearance does not define their character so people should be unbiased while talking about them. They also have equal rights like other human beings. They are no different than us. It’s a nature who made them to be so. It’s not their fault.


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