In a historic move, process begins to formulate LGBTI law

In a historic move, process begins to formulate LGBTI law

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 2 – Preparations are underway to prepare laws focusing on gender and sexual minority. Discussions have also been initiated among the stakeholders on the same issue.  In the discussion organized by Nepal Law Society, Former Speaker and Chairman of Constituent Assembly (CA) Subas Nembang said it is a major achievement as constitution has already addressed the issues of this community.

“The constitution promulgated by elected body is very progressive and there is a need of formulation of laws for the implementation. All the stakeholders should be responsible,” said Nembang. Nembang said there is no alternative to effective implementation of constitution.

Speaking in the same program, Transgender Bhumika Shrestha said it is a great achievement to initiate the process of law-making as per the constitutional provisions.  Shrestha said as political parties are positive and there are constitutional provisions, their dreams are gradually turning into reality. Constitutional Expert and Executive Director of Law Society Milan Shrestha shed the light on the contents of proposed bill.

The discussion was attended by Nepali Congress leader Radheshyam Adhikari, CPN-UML Chief Whip Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal, CPN (Maoist Centre) lawmaker Ram Narayan Bidhari, Lawmaker of Federal Socialist Party Dr. Shivaji Yadav, former lawmaker Pushpa Bhual, Khim Lal Devekota. They stressed the need of strengthening the bill more effective and support from all sections of people.

Deputy Director of BDS Parshuram Rai said new law should fulfill the commitments made by Nepal in the international forums. Durga Thapa, Bisoraj Adhikari, Manoranjan Baidya, Ishan Regmi and Sujan Panta of BDS said the law should address the same-sex marriage and words should be coined accordingly.  Executive Director of Law Society expressed the hope that with the passage of bill members of this community should get the citizenship and it would ensure the economic, social, political rights of this community.

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