Will country get the LGBTI laws reflecting constitutional provisions ?

Will country get the LGBTI laws reflecting constitutional provisions ?

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 8 – For the first time in Nepal’s constitutional history, the rights of gender and sexual minority has been written in the constitution.  This is a milestone achievement for LGBTI community. It is also an example in the Asia pacific region.

This is also an ideal document for the world. Nepal’s example is being taken in the international forum as well  when it comes to cementing the rights of gender and sexual minority.

It is a matter of pride for all Nepalese. However, the constitution is not complete when it comes to address all the issues of this community.  The article 12, 18 and 42 of constitution has recognized the members of this community but it has not addressed them.  There is a serious effort to promulgate laws to translate the constitutional rights into reality.  A draft of law has been prepared and there is series of discussions in Parliament and parliamentary committees about it.

Lawmaker Ram Narayan Bidhari said there is still a majority in the committee who are against providing the rights to this community. He said there is still lack of knowledge about this community. He said that there is a need of providing knowledge to  lawmakers about this community.

NC lawmaker Radheshyam Adhikari also expressed his views regarding the rights of transgender. He said a board could be formed to explore the problems

faced by this community and there could be legal provisions on same-sex marriage.

Former Lawmaker Khim Lal Devokta said he is the first person who raised the issue that members of this community should be provided citizenship and passport as per the gender identity. He said if Board is mandated to identify the gender, it would be another discrimination to this community.

He said such board is not accessible to the members of  this community living in remote areas. Lawmaker Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal said he is not aware about this community and he would support any proposal forwared by the people who know about this community. He echoed the voices made by Adhikari and Bidari.

Former Speaker Subas  Nembang said all citizens are equal in the eyes of law and members of this community should get the right without any discrimination.  He said laws should be formulated as per the constitutional provisions.  He underlined the need of intensive discussions about the vocabulary to be used by this community.



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