We are equally capable like male and female : Lama

We are equally capable like male and female : Lama

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 14 – Transgender Sandhya Lama has said that members of this community are equally capable like male and female. Due due the lack of opportunity, according to Lama, the capacity of this community is not utilized or under-utilized.

“If the opportunity is granted, we can work like male and female,” Lama said, adding that members of this community are denied from any responsibility. She said members of this community are not weak as they are being projected in the society.

“We should get reservations like Dalit, Janajati and other marginalized community. We should get such rights,” Lama, who is also program coordinator of  Blue Diamond Society Birgunj said.  “I am fulling my responsibility. We can achieve higher level if our entry in government services are ensured,” said Lama.

Lama said in the remote parts of the country, the perspectives towards this community remains unchanged. Few days back, she faced discrimination and she lodged the file at administration and she also got the justice. She said members of this community are living under fear in the society though they are not committing any mistake.

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