There will be representation of this community in inclusive commission: Shrestha

There will be representation of this community in inclusive commission: Shrestha

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 15 – Chairman of Parliament’s Social Justice and Human Rights commission Sushil Kumar Shrestha has said  that there will be the representation of gender and sexual minority in the inclusive commission. There is a provision of forming an inclusive commission in the new constitution. 

Speaking to Pahichan, Shrestha said as constitution has already addressed this community as gender and sexual minority, the representation of this community should be secured.  “After a long discussions we have reached a conclusion that there should be representation of this community in the commission,” Shrestha said.

He said as this community is enlisted in the cluster, there is a  growing realization that members of this community should be brought into mainstream.He said if reservation is granted it would create an environment for the competition and there could be no provisions of reservations in the future.

“Our party announced two female candidates under women category but we received the name of five. Similarly, we received three candidates in Dalit category. This is an example of how reservation contributes for open competition,” said Shrestha who is also Spokesperson of Rastriya Prajatantra Party. He said like female, members of this community should be provided the opportunity of leadership.

“We are working for inclusiveness and reservation in the parliamentary committee,” said Shrestha, adding that they are all set to pass a proposal to ensure the representation of this community in Inclusive Commission. He said even the political parties should ensure the representation of this community which helps to reach at leadership level.


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