Police administration pledges to provide protection

Police administration pledges to provide protection

Binod BC/Rupandehi (Pahichan) April 29 – Members of gender and sexual minority have conducted an interaction with police and representatives of Human Rights Commission in Butwal. The interaction was jointly organized by Blue Diamond Society and Save the Children.Speaking at the interaction, Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinky Gurung said police should provide protection to homosexual and third gender like other members of the community. She said every state mechanisms should accommodate the members of this community. “The article 12, 18 and 42 of the constitution has mentioned this community as minority. So security forces and people should accept this community,” Gurung said, adding that no one can interfere over the rights of this community.

Police Official Mukunda Marasini said members of this community can exercise  their rights. “They can utilize their rights and live in this society without any hesitation ,” he said, adding that if rights are violated they can lodge complain in the concerned agencies. He said there should not be discrimination on the basis of gender, caste and minority. BDS is organizing such interaction in the various districts to create awareness about this community.

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