How to Report Human Rights Violations Faced by LGBTIQ People to National Human Rights Institutions in South Asia

How to Report Human Rights Violations Faced by LGBTIQ People to National Human Rights Institutions in South Asia

Kathmandu (Pahichan) may 4 – Six countries in South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) have established a national human rights institution (NHRI), all of which include complaint mechanisms. 

The establishment of these NHRIs has provided MSM and transgender people with access to complaints mechanisms that can help resolve human rights violations these marginalised communities often face. However, several challenges remain to limit the use of this mechanism.

The 2015 Report of the Workshop on the Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Promoting and Protecting the Rights, including Health, of LGBTI People in Asia and the Pacific developed by UNDP, Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institution and APCOM with the support from the Multi-Country South Asia Global Fund HIV Programme (MSA) and the Being LGBTI in Asia programme, noted that very few rights violations were reported to NHRIs due to the lack of knowledge of NHRI complaint procedures among the public.

We at APCOM, therefore, with the support of MSA, developed an advocacy brief to raise awareness within MSM and transgender people in the South Asia region about NHRI and complaint mechanisms, including individual complaint mechanisms, to support greater knowledge and opportunities to seek redress for human rights violations thereby contributing to a creation of enabling legal environments.

The advocacy brief is currently available in an A4-pager PDF for home printing and a leaflet form for press printing .

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