Do not feel hesitant to disclose identity : Yami

Do not feel hesitant to disclose identity : Yami

Kathmandu (Pahichan) June 26 – Former Minister Hishila Yami has said members of gender and sexual minority should not be hesitant to disclose their identity.  

The leader of Naya Shakti Nepal said it is due to the patriarch and unitary society, members of this community are compelled to conceal their identity and such tendency should come to an end.

She expressed such opinion at a cultural program of gender and sexual minority organized to highlight the issues of gender and sexual minority. Yami who is also head of party’s International Department, said there is a huge contribution of gender and sexual minority in the field of culture.

“The creativity of this community will be reflected in the cultural program,” Yami said adding that the rights of this community has been written in the constitution, and there is a huge contribution of people’s war.

She said Naya Shakti is a step forward when it comes to addressing the demands of gender and sexual minority. She said Naya Shakti is the first party to build up membership form mentioning the gender section targeting gender and sexual minority.

She said some members of this community are fighting elections on the behalf of party. Under Secretary at Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ram Prasad Sapkota said members of this community should not feel shy to establish their rights. He suggested to boost the morale with a view that they are equally competent with other community.

Under Secretary at Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare Bharat Sharma said members of gender and sexual minority should be taken as a sexual orientation. He said implementation is more important than mentioning the rights of gender and sexual minority. He said Ministry is providing assistance for providing vocational and income generation training to gender and sexual minority.

Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinki Gurung said that though this community is backward in terms of social cultural aspects, members of this community are talent and excellent. She said Society is helping to boost this community to enhance their culture. The cultural program was attended by 150 people of 18 different districts.

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