The Bachelor appeals to Australians to vote yes with real wedding footage of LGBTI community

The Bachelor appeals to Australians to vote yes with real wedding footage of LGBTI community

Kathmandu (Pahichan) September 19 – The Bachelor appeals to Australians to vote yes with a real wedding footage of LGBTI community

Ahead of the result on Australia’s same sex marriage, reality TV show The Bachelor aired emotional real wedding footage during its finale, featuring members of the LBGTI community in order to appeal Australians to vote yes.

The film titled ‘Vote Yes: For every Bachelor and Bachelorette’ is conceptualised by Leo Burnett Melbourne, along with AIRBAG, ARC Edit, Manimal and Nylon with media placement donated by Wrigley’s extra.

Andrew Woodhead, creative director, Leo Burnett Melbourne, said: “Choosing ‘The Bachelor’ finale was a purposeful move to not only target a certain demographic, but to make the point that everyone should have the right to get married.”

Tim Gartrell, the equality campaign director, said: “Australians know this is about a fair go for all and allowing people to just get on with their lives with the person they love. Marriage Equality takes from no one and makes our country a fairer and more inclusive place to live. It is simply about dignity, respect and fairness for LGBTI Australians.”

Previously, Australian agencies urged to reject work on no campaign in same-sex marriage vote. Meanwhile, media publishers teamed up to encourage young Australians to enrol for marriage equality vote.

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