Challenges of transgender ranges from family to society : Lama

Challenges of transgender ranges from family to society : Lama

Kathmandu (Pahichan) October 12 – Transgender rights activist Pushpa Lama has said that members of gender and sexual minority are facing challenges from family to society. Speaking to Pahichan, Lama said reluctant to disclose their identity is the key in this respect.

“Members of this community themselves are unaware about them. There are challenges in the family, society and state level,” said Lama, adding that there is no support to transgender from family.

She, however, said that there is no alternative to move ahead tackling such problems. “It took 12 years to my family to accept me. Now, there are not any problems to me. All family members are satisfied with me.

I have changed the social perspective to me,” said Lama. She said transgender are yet to get education and they are facing problems in society as well.

According to her, there is high drop out of these members from school and colleges. She said state is gradually addressing the members of this community. She underlined the need of formulating laws as per the constitutional provisions.

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