LGBTI denied registering EDV lottery

LGBTI denied registering EDV lottery

Kathmandu (Pahichan) October 14 – Members are gender and sexual minorities are denied to register EDV as per their gender identity. The members of gender and sexual minority who received citizenship under O (others) category will have to register only as male and female. America is supporting other country about inclusion and social equality has denied rights to LGBTI.

In the form of EDV, there are only male and female categories in the gender section. Nepal government is issuing citizenship and passport to the members of this community as per the gender identity. Rights Activist Kusum Bist said it is a discrimination against gender and sexual minority.  “I tried to fill form but in the form male and female is mentioned. How can I fill form as I have taken citizenship and passport as per my gender identity,” said Bista.

Various organizations in Nepal have already started to mention other category in the job related and other forms. America is supporting to the movement of gender and sexual minority in order to secure their rights. However, other category is not mentioned in EDV form which has demonstrates it double standard.

In an email conversation to Pahichan, US Embassy said, “Per US law, the gender reflected on any issued visa should match the gender reflected on the passport produced by an issuing authority. In those instances where the gender on the passport is listed as neither Male nor Female, the applicant may select either male or female on the appropriate visa application form.”


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