LBT conference begins, State is yet to understand the issues of LGBTI : NHRC

LBT conference begins, State is yet to understand the issues of LGBTI : NHRC

Kathmandu (Pahichan) December 20 – National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has said that state has not understood the problem of gender and sexual minority. Speaking at LBT Conference organized by Blue Diamond Society (BDS), Spokesperson of NHRC Mohana Ansari said family, society and state have not understood this community.

“People are human so no one should be discriminated,” she said suggesting this community to inform people about their issues and agenda. She said inclusive is both a challenge and opportunity.

“We should mention about the violence against this community when we prepare UPR report. There is a need of law to this community. State should provide legal protection to the members of this community,” said Ansari. Former Miss Nepal Malvika Subba said gender and sexual minority is her second family. He said her best friend is homosexual.

She is of the view that it is a high time to take initiatives for creating an appropriate environment.  She said same-sex marriage should be legalized. Under Secretary at Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare Bharat Raj Regmi informed that Ministry is coordinating with this community. She said members of this community should speed up the works. Pinky Gurung Chairman of BDS said members of LBT are yet to disclose their identity.

She said discrimination to this community remains unchecked. Babita Basnet, Chair of Advocacy Group LGBTI should seek opportunities. She suggested media to create awareness about this community. Rights Activist Joshna Masky the issue of sexuality is the issue of human rights. She said there should be a law providing rights to individual to marry as per their wishes.

Bhakti Shah, transgender rights activist said members of this community are compelled to conceal their identity as family and society are not accepting them. More than two-hundred LGBTI are participating in the program.

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