Supreme Court justice curious about LGBTI advocate

Supreme Court justice curious about LGBTI advocate

Bhaktapur (Pahichan) December 26 – It has been revealed that Supreme Court justice enquired advocates about transgender identity. He asked such question to those advocates who reached court to participate in the hearing of petition related to rights of gender and sexual minority.

Justice asked who the transgender advocate in the court was. “Manisha Dhakal informed that she was born as male and now I am women,” said Advocate Hari Phuyal. Phuyal said the remarks made by Dhakal were more convincing than the opinion expressed by five advocates in the hearing. Phuyal said without a change in thinking, it is not possible to change society. “A report on same-sex marriage which was prepared after the intensive homework of six years is gathering a dust,” said Phuyal.  He suggested making advocacy program more effective and result-oriented.

Vice-president of Nepal Bar Association Usha Malla Pathak said a letter of NBR contributed to remove sexual orientation words from the constitution. Pathak said she rose about same-sex marriage issue during her university days.

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