Number of transgender reached four thousand in Mahendra Nagar

Number of transgender reached four thousand in Mahendra Nagar

Kanchanpur (Pahichan) January 17 – Mahendra Nagar Chapter of Blue Diamond Society has said that a member of this community approaching this office has reached four-thousand. At a program jointly organized by Royal Norwegian Embassy and Blue Diamond Society, stakeholders informed that number of the people is gradually disclosing their sexual and gender identity.

Transgender Samira Chaudhary informed that she will seek the citizenship under the gender identity. Transgender Saraswoti Gurung said despite the attempts she has not taken the citizenship as per gender identity. Legal Advisor of BDS Sujan Panta said BDS will knock the doors of Supreme Court if there are obstacles to issue citizenship as per gender identity.

The article 12 of constitution says that citizenship as per identity will be distributed. Bisoraj Adhikari, Program Coordinator of Norwegian Project Bisoraj Adhikari said members of this community should themselves be aware about their rights. Adhikari said they are pressing to implement the constitutionally guaranteed rights. Adhikari is the winner of First Mr. Gay Handsome. Participants expressed the commitment of supporting the campaign of gender and sexual minority.

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