Three thousand transgender in Sunsari

Three thousand transgender in Sunsari

Sunsari (Pahichan) January 21 – There are three thousand members of gender and sexual minority in Sunsari. According to district chapter of Blue Diamond Society the exact number is 2373. This data was shared in the interaction organized with journalist working in the district.

Out of them 2104 are gay, 101 transgender and 168 sexual workers. Out of them eight are HIV infected, according to rights activist Rabi Shrestha. Shrestha said still a large number of this community is yet to reveal their identity.

“Due to the fear of discrimination in their family, they are hesitant to disclose their identity. If there are equal rights, they will reveal their identity,” said Shrestha. Transgender Suman Tamang said they are far behind than male and female when it comes to the rights of this community.

“We are yet to receive many rights. Same sex marriage is yet to be legalized,” Tamang said adding that all the citizens should be treated equally and local levels must allocated budget for this community. She said media must play a constructive role to establish the rights of this community.

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