Women’s gathering decides to raise LGBTI issues

Women’s gathering decides to raise LGBTI issues

Siraha (Pahichan) February 16 – A province no. 2 level gathering women has been concluded in Siraha with a promise of raising the issues of sexual and gender minority. The name of gathering was Feminist Forum Conference which was attended by deputies of local levels from eight districts.

There was also the presence of sexual and gender minority. Dr. Namita Yadav, Deputy Mayor Siraha Municipality, Renu Jha of Hashpur Municipality underlined the need of addressing the issues of gender and sexual minority.

The section 3 and 8 of Siraha Declaration talks about the rights of gender and sexual minority. Pradeep Kumar Yadav attended program from LGBTI community. Similarly Dev Narayan Chaudhary and Laxmi Yadav from Saptari and Siraha attended the program.

Participants expressed the happiness saying that meeting raised the issues of gender and sexual minority.

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