Gay youths set up new restaurant in Thamel

Gay youths set up new restaurant in Thamel

Kathmandu (Pahichan) February 25 – Three youths including two who participated in Mr. Gay Handsome contest have set up Musical Restaurant and Bar. Roshan Chaudhary(26) from Morang took the lead in opening the restaurant, while Sanjaya Dahal and Rajendra Neupane are other members.

Actress who has played role in “Kanchhi” Film and Transgender activities Bhumika Shrestha inaugurated restaurant while cutting ribbon. Transgender Meghana Lama has already established Pink Tiffani Restaurant and Smarika Rai is running Separate Choice Restaurant.

Of late, members of gender and sexual minority are gradually becoming entrepreneurship. Roshan is affiliated with Blue Diamond Society since 2008. He is presenting himself as a gay male. His is his first step in entrepreneurship.  Father, mother and sister if Roshan were also present in the inauguration program.

A team of this community led by Executive Director of Blue Diamond Society Manisha Dhakal congratulated Roshan for starting a new business. Dhakal said members of this community are presenting examples in the society engaging in the entrepreneurship. 

Sanjaya Sharma, Bhumika Shrestaha, Peter Rai, Rajesh Lama, Aditaya, Joshna,Sunita among others congratulated for opening up new business.


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