There is positive representation of this community: Bhattarai

There is positive representation of this community: Bhattarai

Kathmandu (Pahichan) March 23 – Cine Director Pradeep Bhattarai has said that there has been positive representation of this community in the cinema. Speaking to Pahichan, Bhattarai said in the initial days members of this community were presented as mock character but situation has been change and there is a positive portrayal of this community. He said it is a positive development.

“The Adha Love inaugurated few months ago has mentioned about same-sex marriage which has touched me,” said Bhattarai.  He further added that there is a need of in-depth research before making film about their community.

He said many people in society still do not know about this community.  He said the issue of this community could become a new subject for the film. Bhattarai further added that there should not be discrimination to anyone on the basis of their birth. He said there is discrimination to transgender. Bhattarai said he has never portrayed the social reality in different way. The Satrugate film will be inaugurated on Friday.

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