LGBTI members must be awarded with social security allowances: Researchers

LGBTI members must be awarded with social security allowances: Researchers


Kathmandu (Pahichan) March 29 – Researcher working in the field of sexual and gender minority have underlined the need of providing social security allowances in order to ensure their dignified stay in the society.

The researchers who are working as program coordinator in various districts said there is a need of increasing allowances in order to boost their morale in the society. Kajol Chaudhary, Program Coordinator of Sundar Sansar Bardiya, said that there is a need of protection of this community and provisions of reservation must be ensured.

The people who receive citizenship under the O category must be awarded with social security allowances which could pave the way to the members of this community to disclose their gender identity, said Chaudhary. There are 2591 members of sexual and gender minorities in Bardiya districts and among them 1200 are transgender. Among them 12 are HIV infected and they have been provided ART service. In Bardiya district, four members have received citizenship from their gender identity.

Prerana Bista who is working as program coordinator in BDS Kapilbastu chapter also said social security allowance could be instrumental to the members of this community to disclose their gender identity.

There are 2400 LGBTI and among them one thousand have disclosed their identity. Due to early marriage, a large score of this community are facing a lot of programs in Terai-Madhes.

There are fears among this community and their family members could expel them from family if they disclose their identity. According to her, altogether 13 homosexuals are in partnership. They are compelled to live outside as their families have not accepted them. District Development Committee is providing one lakh and fifty thousand rupees for the members of this community. They are launching awareness campaign such as street drama and orientations programs.

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