Accept same-sex relation : Dr Reshu

Accept same-sex relation : Dr Reshu

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 12 – Dr. Risharbh Reshu has underlined the need of acceptance of same-sex relation in the society, asserting that homosexuals and transgender must be treated with equal behavior.

Stating that birth of Bhagirath was the product of female-female relation he said, “The female-female relation led to the birth of Bhagirath in Ganga. If we reject same-sex relation, we have to conclude that Ganga is impure and there is no need to worship.”  Dr. Risharbh has a lot of examples, he mentions about Arjun and Shikhandi.

He is examining the reasons why there is a negative perception towards this community. Arjun requested to transform him into the third nature of people and he became Brihanalla and he taught dance for Princes for a year. This mean, homosexual and transgender were treated at par with male and female, he said.

“The name of Sikhandi is popular. He was born as male but changed his identity as female, and married with female which shows that homosexual and transgender used to be taken in a normal way,” he said. He said it would not be appropriate to discriminate this community.

He is going to write a book title about Relation between Moral Education and Modern education. He plans to unveil book on May. He is writing a title ‘Kal Sutra Darpanam and foreign publishers have already pledged to support the book.

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