Budget dismays LGBTI community

Budget dismays LGBTI community

Kathmandu (Pahichan) June 19 – Not only federal government, even the provincial government have not allocated budget for the empowerment of sexual and gender minority. The budget unveiled by all provincial government have not mentioned about this community. The federal government which brought budget on May 29 also does not have any provisions about the budget.

This is a further injustice to this community. Though the rights of this community are constitutionally guaranteed, the government has not even mentioned about this community. This government has not been any different than the previous government for LGBTI community.

When it comes to the issues of sexual and gender minority, government has not done anything. This community constitutes 8-10 percent of the total populations. The government is moving ahead keeping more than one million populations outside the government policy and program which clearly contradicts its slogan of prosperity.

The article 12 of constitution has ensured the citizenship on the basis of identity and there is a right of equality in the article 18 of constitution. In article 42 of constitution, there is a right of social justice. It is a clear breach of constitution, not to mention the rights of this community in budget. It is not sure when government would be serious when it comes to providing rights.

NC lawmakers of province no. 3 Bijaya KC Shrestha and Bijula Barma registered an amendment proposal seeking to incorporate the issues this community but the house rejected this proposal. Members of this community have said that they would continue their fights even if they do not get anything to eat. Many questions remain unanswered when it comes to the rights of this community.

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