Bermuda court to hear government appeal against equal marriage

Bermuda court to hear government appeal against equal marriage

Kathmandu (Pahichan) August 28 – Bermuda’s court of appeal is to hear a last-ditch effort by the country’s government to block equal marriage.

The British Overseas Territory has been stuck in a vicious cycle over same-sex marriage ever since a May 2017 Supreme Court ruling that gave same-sex couples the right to marry.

Rather than accept the ruling, the Bermudian government passed a fresh law that controversially re-banned same-sex weddings – only for the Supreme Court to strike down that law as well  in June 2018.

The flag of Bermuda flies in the city of Hamilton, Bermuda (Drew Angerer/Getty)

Despite two major defeats, the government has confirmed it will launch yet another appeal, making a final last-ditch effort to keep the ban on same-sex weddings.

According to Bernews, the appeal is to be heard by the Court of Appeal from November 7 to 9.

Minister of Home Affairs Walton Brown said: “We have filed an appeal in this matter. We look forward to having this matter heard by the court of Appeal.”

If the appeal is victorious, it would mean that same-sex marriage has been legalised and re-banned twice in close succession, a world first.

Equal marriage activist Tony Brannon slammed the government for squandering money on yet more attempts to stave off same-sex marriage.

He told the Royal Gazette: “The legal minds I speak to tell me it will be a slam dunk for the LGBTQ community.

“They are going to lose again — at least that’s what I think is going to happen.

“There are people having to put their hands in their pocket to fight for justice and now it is going to come out of the taxpayers’ fund.”

But Melvyn Bassett of anti-gay lobbying group Preserve Marriage told the outlet: “We believe we have done our part to encourage the Government to continue to do what the people have expressed they would like in relation to the legislation that was passed.

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