U.S. Mission and the Nepali Private Sector Promote Responsible Recruitment

U.S. Mission and the Nepali Private Sector Promote Responsible Recruitment

Kathmandu (Pahichan) November 20 – U.S. Mission organized an event to foster strong partnerships to promote ethical and fair recruitment practices in the foreign employment process for Nepali people.  Key representatives from the Government of Nepal, private sector, civil society, development organizations, and media attended the event, which was jointly hosted by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Business Initiative.

Speaking at the event, U.S. Ambassador to Nepal Randy W. Berry said, “The United States Government, through USAID and other partners, stands committed to support the country’s leadership in finding those win-win solutions that serve everyone: the government, the private sector, and the Nepali people.  Collectively, I’m confident that we can make ethical recruitment happen and, in turn, protect and promote the socio-economic wellbeing of the people and businesses in Nepal.”

The Minister of Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Security, Gokarna Bista, highlighted the Government’s priorities and plans and reiterated his commitment to ensuring good governance and oversight of foreign recruitment practices.  Padma Jyoti, President of NBI, also underscored the need to institutionalize responsible and ethical recruitment processes in Nepal.

Migration contributes to nearly 25 percent of Nepal’s gross domestic product.  In fact, over half of all Nepali households have at least one migrant family member abroad or living in Nepal as a returnee.

USAID’s Hamro Samman Project, implemented by Winrock International, builds upon more than two decades of U.S. Government support to counter human trafficking in Nepal.  The project’s goal is to reduce the prevalence of trafficking in persons by strengthening existing government, civil society, and private sector policies and systems.

Specifically, to counter trafficking and exploitation in foreign labor migration, Hamro Samman is forging partnerships with private sector actors to promote ethical recruitment and encourage zero tolerance for exploitation in accordance with national laws and policies.

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