Are you preparing to marry ?

Are you preparing to marry ?

Kathmandu (Pahichan) November 28 – Are you preparing to marry ? If so you need to know few things. It is up to you to decide the types of marriage you want—arranged marriage for love marriage.

If there is a love marriage, there may not be problems but if you prefer arranged marriage, some sort of uncomfortable situation may emerge. There are the cases of conflict and divorce soon after the marriage. Among others, sexual identity seems to be one of the reasons behind such divorce.

The number of child marriage has decreased. The newly implemented civil code has defined marriage between male and female along with fixing marriage age. Our society, however, has overlooked the issue of various gender identity beyond male and female, inviting a lot of social problems. Such cases, however, have not reached the court due to the social stigma which has prevented to disclose social identity.

The delay in the formulation of same-sex marriage has created a lot of problems in the society. The lives of many people are ruined as there is not appropriate environment to make their marriage status public. People are aware about the gender identity of their family members but when it comes to disclosing such identity there is rigidity in the society.

There are also the cases of forced marriage. The Civil code has said that marriage is between male and female and such relation would be endorsed through social ceremony. Due to the lack of legal protections, members of this community are forced to leave the family and live with other people. If same-sex marriage is legalized, members of this community would happily live together and such social problems will come down. If laws are formulated, the tendency of multi-partner comes to an end. In May, a case reached at National Human Rights Commission.

A transgender male expelled one lesbian from the home. In this case, the human rights activists are sharply divided. A lesbian was expelled by transgender male who were in living together since nine years. “We were living together since nine years but he expelled me so I am begging justice,” the complaint said.

In Kartik 19, 2069 Supreme Court has ruled that people who have crossed the definite age could live together. Earlier, in 2064, Supreme Court had directed the government to formulate same-sex marriage law. A committee has already submitted its report but government agencies are turning deaf ear to fulfill those. The transgender and lesbian who are seeking justice should have received justice without any delay but there has not been any progress.

Every couple promise to live together till the death but they are forced to part ways due to the lack of laws. If there is law, members of this community should not knock the door of NHRC and other government agencies. The reaction and feedback of sexual and gender minority also matters when it comes to legalizing same-sex marriage. There should not be division within this community which is not good to get rights.

The article 12 of the constitution has ensured the right to citizenship and article 18 of constitution has ensured the identity of this community. Home Ministry has already issued a circular to its subordinate but there are still problems in receiving citizenship.

District Administration offices, however, are seeking recommendation letters of doctors to provide citizenship which has been challenged in the court and court has ruled to provide citizenship without any obstacles. There has been one step forward and two step backward when it comes to the rights of LGBTI. Government agencies must provide satisfactory answer.

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