Shrestha’s biography released  

Shrestha’s biography released  

Kathmandu (Pahichan) January 13 – Transgender rights activist Bhumika Shrestha’s biography has been released. Ghost Writing Nepal has released the book on the auspicious occasion of Shrestha’s birthday.

The book was jointly released by Actor Ramesh Upreti, Actress Rekha Thapa, former Miss Nepal Malvika Subba and Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinky Gurung. Shrestha was male while she was born but when she grew up she received the character of female.

The guest present in the program said book represents the voices of all third gender.  Actress Rekhaka Thapa said Bhumika’s mother is a hero. “I cannot become like Bhumika, neither Bhumika could become like me. We all have the rights of enjoying a unique life,” said Thapa. Thapa said this biography should reach in grass-roots.

Actor Ramesh Upreti said the courage demonstrated by Bhumika should be saluted. Uprety said the issue of gender is not significant and people of all gender should be treated equally. Uprety said Bhumika’s book should be exemplary for all as it has captured an important part of human life.

Former Miss Nepal Malvika Subba express the desire that of citizenship in the name of Bhumika shrestha. “Now, she was the citizenship of Kailash Shrestha, I want to see citizenship under Bhumika’s name,” Subba said.  She underlined the need of law to ensure the marriage of this community.

Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinky Gurung said this is a first book which illustrates the life of third gender and it would represent the problems and issues of all third gender.  Gurung said this book helps to change social mindset towards sexual and gender minority.

Journalist Aswaini Koirala said book has connected the issue of religion, development and literature. Koirala said book consists the issue of Maha Bharat, Ramayan, Newari and other international issues.

Editor of Padam Shrestha book provides detail explanation about LGBTI community. Shrestha underlined the need of the implementation of sexual and gender minority.  Chair of Ghost Writing Nepal Kamal Dhakal said they have launched a campaign of tuning all people into book and it is latest series. Dhakal said book serves as a milestone development when it comes to understand third gender community.

Writer of book Bhumika Shrestha requested to read this book stating that it highlights the plights of her community. There are 35 subjects in the book. There are 240 pages in the book and price of book is 350 rupees.

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